Registration for STORM SPRING TRYOUTS is on PAUSE for U13-18 Competitive Teams for the 2025-26 Season
See the Storm Tryout tab for tryout registration and tryout dates: for STORM SPRING TRYOUTS has been paused at the request of Ontario Women's Hockey, our governing body, for our U13 and U15 Tier 1 and Tier 2, & U18 Tier 1, 2 and 3 Spring Tryouts. We will continue to share information as it comes available and will contact anyone that has already registered should they need to re-register.
► The following competitive teams are projected for the upcoming 2025-26 season:
- U9- B/C (FALL Tryouts)
- U11- BB/B & C (FALL Tryouts)
- U13- Tier 1 BB/B and Tier 2 C (Spring Tryouts)
- U15- Tier 1 A/BB and Tier 2 B/C (Spring Tryouts)
- U18- Tier 1 A, Tier 2 BB, Tier 3 B (Spring Tryouts), Tier 4 C (August Tryouts)
► The level of play, number of players on a roster and/or number of teams is subject to change depending on overall numbers of players registered and outcomes of tryouts.
► Storm Competitive Coaches will be announced as coach selection is completed. After careful consideration, KDMHA will not be proceeding with AA Thunder programming for the 2025-26 season but we remain committed to supporting the development of all our players now and in the future. Coaches interested in pursuing the High Performance certification required for this level of play are encouraged to review the information and application form available here: LINK
Please see the Storm Tryout tab on our website for the RAMP link to tryout registration and tryout dates:
Specific Tryout Dates and times will be sent to registered participants by the convenor.
Other paperwork:
If your player wishes to try out elsewhere- please request an OWHA Permission to Tryout form from either the Vice President, Storm ( or Storm Registrar ( at least 72hrs in advance of the first tryout.
Thank you,
KDMHA Executive