Manager Resources:
The KDMHA Logo Usage Policy provides members, teams, and vendors with details about when and where the Kemptville Royals and Kemptville Storm logos may be used. ... This form is to be used by a KDMHA member or team representative as an Agreement between KDMHA and a vendor to use the Kemptville Royals and/or Kemptville Storm logo. For more information, contact either Ways & Means ( fundraising@kemptvillehockey.com) or Media Officer ( media@kemptvillehockey.com).
Please ensure you select the correct association from the dropdown - for Royals, "KEMPTVILLE MHA"
Player, Parent, Both Coach Signatures must be on completed form, failure to complete in full will be rejected
Email form to Royals Registrar (registrar@kemptvillehockey.com) and VP Royals (vp@kemptvillehockey.com) and KDMHA President
No AP may attend any practice or game with AP Team until roster paper work is approved and signed and sent back to the team. NO Exceptions.