ShareKDMHA Storm and RSL Joint Announcement
The girls hockey associations of both Rideau St Lawrence (RSL) and Kemptville are delighted to jointly announce an amalgamation that will see the roots of RSL’s U18AA and Seniors programmes become a feature and expansion of KDMHA female hockey ambitions.KDMHA Storm and RSL Thunder are pleased to announce the amalgamation of RSL U18AA and Seniors teams into Kemptville Storm.
The girls hockey associations of both Rideau St Lawrence (RSL) and Kemptville are delighted to jointly announce an amalgamation that will see the roots of RSL’s U18AA and Seniors programmes become a feature and expansion of KDMHA female hockey ambitions.
The foundation of this initiative is a desire to improve and strengthen playing opportunities for female hockey players in the region. Full governance of the programmes will migrate to the Kemptville Storm executive, but the transition will be supported by staff from RSL that have experience at running a high-performance programme, including provision of HP Certified coaching.
Apart from the economies of scale, the most immediate and positive impact of this amalgamation is that Kemptville Storm will be icing both U18AA and Senior programmes for the 2023-24 season and beyond. Tryouts for the former will take place in early May at the NGMC facility. Precise dates and times to be promulgated when confirmed.
Further Questions can be directed to:
Stacey Seymour KDMHA President (president@kemptvillehockey.com) or Trish Scharf VP Storm (vpstorm@kemptvillehockey.com) or
Ray Snook RSL President (president@rslgha.ca)