Under-7/Initiation Program (I.P.) First Time Hockey Player Parent Information
Adam Harlow Memorial - U7 Fun Day (LINK)
Below are are some common questions from parents of U7-age children who are signing their child up for hockey for the first time.
U7/IP Info
- 4-6 years old
- Royals - mix of boys and girls
- Storm - girl only team
- Being able to skate is NOT a prerequisite
- Parents are not permitted on the ice, all teams have several qualified coaches that are insured and certified to Hockey Canada standards to support and teach U7 Players.
- For those parents that wish to volunteer as a coach/trainer please see the KDMHA website for more information.
- Timbit Jerseys and Socks are provided to each player. All Timbit Jerseys are returned at the end of the season.
Season Duration |
- End of September to End of March
- Players will participate in a weekend sorting process to IP1 (new to hockey/first & second year players) and IP2 (typically 3rd year players)
Practice Days |
- Every Saturday and Sunday (50 min/practice)
Practice Times |
- Typically between 7am and 9am
Late Fees |
- Only applies to returning players. New players do not pay the late registration fee.
Registration Fee |
Hockey Canada announced beginning Fall 2017/18 season cross-ice/half-ice will be mandatory at the Initiation level. All levels of IP follow this mandatory half ice requirement for the entire season to deliver the age-appropriate programming and skill development as set out by Hockey Canada.
For more information about the Under-7 Timbits program, see
Hockey Canada - Timbits Under-7 Hockey.
Respect in Sport Parent Requirement:
Parents of players in the HEO jurisdiction are required to take the Respect in Sport Parent Program. The program is taken online at a cost of $12 and a minimum of one parent from each family with NEW players at the U7 (IP) or U9 (Novice) level will need to take the program.
For more information about the Respect in Sport for Hockey Canada Parents program, see HEO Respect in Sport.
The Respect in Sport Parent program differs from the Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders. Therefore, parents that have taken the RIS Activity Leader program MUST still take the RIS Parent program.
** All
NEW players must have a family member complete this program before player is ADDED to a team. Please complete it early so there are no delays.**
Please contact the U7/IP convenor via email
u7royals@kemptvillehockey.com or
u7u9storm@kemptvillehockey.com for the details about the program, or contact
registrar@kemptvillehockey.com or
stormregistrar@kemptvilleyhockey.com for registration inquiries.
... Registration > How Do I Pay ...