Royals Senior U7 - BlackSunday November 05, 2023. Start: 6:30 am
Ending: 7:30 am
Kemptville NGMC - R1* Half Ice (Shared with Storm - U7 Burgundy #5947)
Storm - U7 Burgundy #5947Sunday November 05, 2023. Start: 6:30 am
Ending: 7:30 am
Kemptville NGMC - R1* Half Ice (Shared with Royals Senior U7 - Black)
Royals Senior U7 - YellowSunday November 05, 2023. Start: 7:00 am
Ending: 8:00 am
Kemptville NGMC - R2* Half Ice (Shared with Royals Senior U7 - Orange)
Royals Senior U7 - OrangeSunday November 05, 2023. Start: 7:00 am
Ending: 8:00 am
Kemptville NGMC - R2* Half Ice (Shared with Royals Senior U7 - Yellow)
Royals Senior U7 - RedSunday November 05, 2023. Start: 7:30 am
Ending: 8:30 am
Kemptville NGMC - R1* Half Ice (Shared with Royals Junior U7 - Blue)
Royals Junior U7 - BlueSunday November 05, 2023. Start: 7:30 am
Ending: 8:30 am
Kemptville NGMC - R1* Half Ice (Shared with Royals Senior U7 - Red)
U9 HL3 #5903Sunday November 05, 2023. Start: 8:30 am
Ending: 9:30 am
Kemptville NGMC - R2* Half Ice (Shared with Storm - U7 Pink #5945)
Storm - U7 Pink #5945Sunday November 05, 2023. Start: 8:30 am
Ending: 9:30 am
Kemptville NGMC - R2* Half Ice (Shared with U9 HL3 #5903)
Girls U11 House - Stittsville (Visitor) @ U11 HL1 #5905 (Home) Date: Sunday November 05, 2023 @ 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Kemptville NGMC - R1 U11 C1Sunday November 05, 2023. Start: 11:00 am
Ending: 12:00 pm
Kemptville NGMC - R1* Half Ice (Shared with U9 4-2)
U9 4-2Sunday November 05, 2023. Start: 11:00 am
Ending: 12:00 pm
Kemptville NGMC - R1* Half Ice (Shared with U11 C1)
U13 HL2 #5911 EventTeam Event in Barrhaven
Sunday November 05, 2023 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
More Details Storm U9 Comp B - U9 Comp B #5934 (Visitor) @ Ottawa (Home) Date: Sunday November 05, 2023 @ 3:45 pm - 4:45 pm
Ottawa - Carleton University U13 Comp B #5931Sunday November 05, 2023. Start: 4:00 pm
Ending: 5:00 pm
Kemptville NGMC - R2 U15 RepSunday November 05, 2023. Start: 5:30 pm
Ending: 7:00 pm
Spencerville Arena Girls U11 House - U11 HL2 #5906 (Visitor) @ Brockville (Home) Date: Sunday November 05, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Brockville - Youth Arena U13 Rep - U13 Rep (Visitor) @ South Stormont (Home) Date: Sunday November 05, 2023 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Long Sault ArenaSHOW DETAILS